Thursday, October 2, 2008

Scott's initiative

Scott’s initiation to decrease employees’ obesity rates and smoking habits should be seen as a positive move in the right direction to prevent unhealthy habits that are fatal to their livelihood. The company has taken on the effort to assist employees to their harmful habits of smoking by granting them with a 60 day probation followed by the all-paid counseling sessions, prescription drugs for Nicolette and any additional help they would need in the process to recovery.
More company needs to provide incentives for employees that maintain healthy lifestyles. In my line of work, my company provides free health insurance to anyone that qualifies for their provision. On a yearly basis, employees are asked to conduct a health screening to see if they qualify. The typical questions asked includes: smoking, cholesterol, weight, BMI index, blood pressure and among other health factor indicators. Employees that failed the screening would result in paying an extra $40.00 per month to receive the same premium coverage. In addition to my company’s willingness to convince their employees to adapt to a healthy lifestyle, they also offer a variety of Good Health Incentive Program in an effort to increase health awareness and promote responsible preventive actions. This program drives an incentive approach as its framework to prevention by developing programs and services to address key focus areas and leading health indicators. Any participants that successfully complete the task will receive monetary compensation.

1 comment:

Bret Simmons said...

good - extra - thanks!